College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Military Science Department


The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) prepares college students to become future Officers in the United States Army. As a Cadet, participation takes just a few hours per week and requires no military obligation, so you’ll maintain a regular collegiate schedule in which ROTC courses are electives. In your ROTC courses you study leadership and have the opportunity to learn skills like rappelling, marksmanship, and orienteering. Flat out: your ROTC classes will be among your favorite college classes.

Best of all, on graduation, those who complete the Army ROTC requirements will receive a bachelor’s degree and commission straight out of college as a Second Lieutenant. You can major in the program you choose and will complete a minor in Military Science.

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Area of Study

Military Science Minor

Army ROTC cadets can attain a minor in military science that includes classes focused on leadership, communication, military history, and ethics. The associated labs enhance leadership skills beneficial in both military and civilian careers. Students will learn to lead, manage teams, and make decisions under pressure. While students can complete the ROTC training without declaring the minor, adding the minor to their course plans brings no additional courses or requirements. The military science minor also provides important academic validation for the cadet’s hard work, which may help with future career or education paths.

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Benefits of joining the Army ROTC

  • Leadership Development: ROTC provides extensive leadership training, which can be beneficial in both military and civilian careers. Students learn to lead, manage teams, and make decisions under pressure.
  • Scholarships and Financial Assistance: ROTC provides scholarships and other forms of financial aid that can cover tuition, fees, room and board, and other college expenses.
  • Physical Fitness: ROTC emphasizes physical fitness and discipline, supporting students’ overall health and well-being.
  • Career Opportunities: Upon graduation, ROTC cadets are commissioned as officers in the U.S. Army.
  • Camaraderie and Teamwork: The ROTC experience fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork among cadets.
  • Personal Growth: ROTC builds confidence, resilience, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Structured Environment: The disciplined and structured environment of ROTC can help students develop time management and organizational skills, which are beneficial both during and after college.
  • Patriotism and Service: ROTC provides students an opportunity to serve their country and contribute to something larger than themselves.
  • Adventure and Training: ROTC includes exciting and challenging training opportunities during field exercises.
  • Networking: Being part of ROTC provides access to a network of military professionals and alumni, which can be valuable for future career opportunities and mentorship.


Do I have to go into the army after college?

Only if you sign a contract do you incur a service obligation as an Army officer. You are not obligated to sign a contract until your junior year, if you are fully qualified. You can serve either part-time (eight years reserve duty) or full-time (three years active duty if you did not have an ROTC scholarship, four years active duty if you did). All students are welcome to take our lower division courses, regardless of their interest in military service.

What is my commitment?

All cadets, whether scholarship or non-scholarship, sign a contract by their junior year to accept a commission in the United States Army. All commissioned officers from ROTC will serve an eight-year commitment. If commissioned into the active Army (serving full-time), most officers serve three to four years on active duty followed by four to five years in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR), The option to continue on active duty or not is based on the performance and preference of the officer. If commissioned into the reserves (serving only one weekend a month and two weeks during the year), there is an eight-year commitment. If the commissioned officer was not on scholarship, then the service commitment is six years as a drilling reservist and two years in the IRR.

How does ROTC affect my schedule?

There are two parts to the ROTC classes. You will participate in an academic class, as well as in an associated three-hour lab period. The lab teaches basic military skills and introduces cadets to the Army. You will learn drill and ceremonies, land navigation, patrolling skills, and more. The academic classes are electives that count toward graduation credits, taught by military officers and non-commissioned officers. These classes cover military leadership, history, military law, and other subjects which make for a well-rounded officer. In addition, the ROTC program includes a physical training portion to provide for physical development. There are many other extracurricular activities that cadets participate in as well.

Are there summer training requirements while in ROTC?

Yes. All advanced course ROTC cadets must attend Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, either between their junior and senior year or after their senior year (thirty-five-day course). Selected contracted cadets will also have training opportunities to attend Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency (CULP), Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT), Airborne School, Air Assault School, etc. After their freshman or sophomore year, a contracted cadet may also attend Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET) at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, for thirty days.


ROTC Cadre


Office: MCD 219


Administrative Assistant


Phone: 435-652-7881

Office: MCD 226